Take your journey to Japan
    one step further
    with our local guides

    Takamatsuu offers private tours of the Seto Inland-Sea Region with local guides who call this special region home.
    After sharing this region with you, we hope you will come away with a lasting experience.

    Takamatsuu's Guides are locals here to make your trip special
    following the "3-Fs"

    Always your trusty travel companion!

    Our guides will help you experience the joy of travel!

    Exactly as you see fit!

    Our Guides
    We hope to see you soon in Takamatsu.

    • Abe Yuka

      Japanese Language

    • Sogo Naohiro

      Japanese Language

    • Akamatsu Takako

      Japanese Language

    • Yokoyama Tetsuya

      English/Japanese Language

    • Hans Sapochak

      English Language

    • Morita Fueko

      English/Japanese/Chinese Language

    • Sato Miku

      Japanese Language

    • Funamoto Tatsuya

      Japanese Language
