Travel Conditions

    1. Significance of these Travel Conditions

    This travel conditions document shall be part of the transaction conditions explanation document stipulated in Article 12-4 of the Travel Agency Law and the contract document stipulated in Article 12-5 of the same law.

    2. Offered tour contract

    1. This tour is planned and conducted by ANABUKI TRAVEL Inc. (2-1, Furushinmachi, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan, Alfaregaro Furushinmachi 1F, Registered Travel Agency No. 1978, hereinafter referred to as “the Company”). The tour will be planned and conducted by the Director-General of the Japan Tourism Agency [Registered Travel Agency No. 1978] (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”), and customers participating in this tour will enter into an organized tour contract (hereinafter referred to as the “Tour Contract”) with the Company. The customer who participates in this tour is to enter into a solicitation-type tour contract (hereinafter referred to as “tour contract”) with the Company.
    2. The Company shall arrange and undertake to manage the itinerary so that the customer may receive transportation, accommodation, and other services related to the tour (hereinafter referred to as “tour services”) provided by transportation and accommodation agencies, etc., in accordance with the itinerary determined by the Company. (2) The Company shall arrange and undertake to manage the itinerary so that the Participant may receive transportation, accommodation, and other services related to the tour (hereinafter referred to as “Travel Services”) provided by transportation and accommodation agencies, etc., in accordance with the itinerary determined by the Company.
    3. The contents and conditions of the contract shall be based on the conditions described for each course in the advertisement (pamphlet, etc.), as well as these travel conditions, the final document to be delivered prior to departure (hereinafter referred to as the “final itinerary”), and our General Terms and Conditions of Travel (hereinafter referred to as “our General Terms and Conditions”). The conditions of the tour contract are subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the tour conditions document, the final document to be provided prior to departure (hereinafter referred to as the “Final Itinerary”), and the Company’s General Terms and Conditions of Travel. The tour will be conducted in accordance with the following terms and conditions.

    3. Application for travel and time of conclusion of contract

    1. Please fill in the prescribed items on the Company’s prescribed trip application form and submit it with the application fee as described below. The application fee will be treated as part or all of the “tour fee,” “cancellation fee,” and “penalty fee,” respectively.
      Application fee (per person)
      If the tour fee is less than 30,000 yen → Application fee: Full amount
      If the tour fee is more than 30,000 yen → Application Fee: 30,000 yen or more up to the tour fee.
    2. The Company may accept the application for reservation of a tour contract by telephone, mail, facsimile or other means of communication. In this case, the customer shall submit the application form and pay the application fee within 7 days from the day following the day on which the Company notifies the customer of its acceptance of the reservation. If the application fee is not paid within this period, the Company will treat the application as not having been made.
    3. The tour contract shall be concluded when the Company accepts the conclusion of the contract and receives the application fee. In the case of application by telephone, it shall be formed when the Company accepts the application fee in accordance with (2) of this paragraph, and in the case of application by mail, facsimile or other means of communication, it shall be formed when the Company issues a notice of acceptance of the tour contract with the customer after the payment of the application fee.

    4. Terms and Conditions of Application

    1. those under 20 years old (including 18 year olds in high school) must have a parent or guardian’s written consent; those under 15 years old must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
    2. For tours targeting a specific group of customers or having a specific purpose of travel, the Company reserves the right to refuse participation if the age, qualifications, skills, or other conditions do not meet the Company’s specified conditions.
    3. 1) Those who have a chronic disease, 2) those who are currently in poor health, 3) those who are pregnant, or 4) those who have a physical disability and require special consideration should notify us of such at the time of application for the trip. We will comply with such requests to the extent possible and reasonable. In such cases, the cost of any special measures taken by the Company for the customer based on the customer’s request shall be borne by the customer. In such cases, the Company may ask the passenger to submit a medical certificate from a doctor. In addition, due to local conditions or the conditions of related organizations, etc., in order to ensure the safe and smooth implementation of the tour, we may require the accompaniment of a caregiver/companion, change the content of a part of the course, recommend another trip that is less burdensome, or decline your participation in the tour. We reserve the right to refuse your participation in the tour.
    4. In the case of (1), (2), or (3) of this Article, if it is necessary for us to contact you, we will contact you within one week from the date of application for (1) and (2), and within one week for (3), in principle, from the date of your request.
    5. If the Company deems that the passenger is in need of medical diagnosis or treatment due to illness, injury, or other reasons during the tour, the Company will take necessary measures to ensure the smooth implementation of the tour. Any and all costs associated with such measures shall be borne by the Participant. 
    6. Separate excursions for the convenience of the customer are not permitted as a general rule. However, it may be accepted under different conditions depending on the course.
    7. If, in the Company’s judgment, a customer is likely to cause inconvenience to other customers or interfere with the smooth implementation of group activities, the Company may refuse the customer’s participation in the tour.
    8. We reserve the right to refuse participation in the tour in case of other business reasons.

    5. Delivery of the contract document and final itinerary

    1. the Company shall provide the customer with a contract document describing the itinerary, contents of tour services and other tour conditions, and the Company’s responsibilities, promptly after the conclusion of the tour contract. The contract document shall consist of a pamphlet, these travel conditions, etc.
    2. The Company shall deliver to the Participant the final itinerary of the tour, which shall contain the fixed information on the time and place of meeting, transportation and accommodation, etc., by the day before the commencement date of the tour at the latest. However, in the event that the application for the tour is made on or after 7 days prior to the date of commencement of the tour, the Company shall deliver the final itinerary by the date of commencement of the tour.
    3. The scope of tour services for which the Company is obligated to arrange and manage the itinerary shall be specified in the contract document and the final itinerary.

    6. Payment of trip fee

    The tour fee must be paid before the 13th day before the departure date of the tour. If the application is made on or after the thirteenth day counting back from the day before the trip start date, the payment shall be made by the date specified by the Company before the trip start date.

    7. Trip fee

    1. Unless otherwise noted, the price is the price indicated in the brochure for passengers aged 3 and over, and free of charge for passengers under 3 years old (in this case, seats on buses and aircraft and other travel services are not provided). (In this case, seats on buses and airplanes and other travel services will not be provided.
    2. The tour fee will be displayed for each course. Please confirm the departure date and the number of passengers.
    3. The “tour fee” shall be the basis for calculating the amount of “application fee” in Paragraph 3, “cancellation fee” in Paragraph 14 (1), “penalty fee” in Paragraph 14 (2), and “compensation for change” in Paragraph 23. The “tour fee” in the advertisement or on the website shall be calculated as follows: “the amount indicated as the tour fee” plus “the amount indicated as the additional fee” minus “the amount indicated as the discount fee.

    8. Items included in the trip fee

    1. transportation fares and charges (economy class unless otherwise noted), accommodation, meals, entrance and entrance fees, and consumption and other taxes as specified in the itinerary
    2. expenses for tour conductors on courses accompanied by tour conductors, and gratuities necessary for group activities.
    3. other expenses indicated as being included in the tour price in the pamphlet. The above expenses are non-refundable even if some of them are not used for the customer’s convenience.

    9. Items not included in the tour fee

    The following (1) to (3) are not included in the travel fare. Some examples are provided below:

    1. Excess baggage charges (for weight, volume, or quantity exceeding the specified limits).
    2. Personal expenses of an individual nature, such as cleaning fees, telegram or telephone charges, additional meal expenses, and related taxes and service fees.
    3. Optional tours for those who wish to participate (separate charges apply for these excursions).
    4. Other additional charges not included in the itinerary, such as entrance fees, admission fees, meal costs, photography fees, transportation expenses, etc.
    5. Transportation and accommodation expenses from your home to the departure point.

    10. Additional Charges

    The term “additional charges” as mentioned in Section 7 refers to the following charges (except when already included and indicated in the “travel fare”):

    1. Additional charges for upgrading to hotels or room types referred to as “Upgrade Plans” in brochures or similar materials.
    2. Difference in charges for plans such as “No Meals Plan” to plans with meals.
    3. Additional charges for extending hotel stays referred to as “Extension Plans” in brochures.
    4. Other charges designated as “×××× Additional Charges” in brochures or similar materials.

    11. Changes to Travel Contract Contents

    Even after the conclusion of the travel contract, in cases of natural disasters, war, riots, cessation of travel services by transportation or accommodation facilities, official orders, or other reasons beyond our control resulting in the necessity to ensure the safety and smooth implementation of the trip, we may change the travel itinerary and content, explaining the reasons and causal relationship for such changes to customers promptly. In cases of emergencies, explanations will be provided after the changes if necessary.

    12. Changes to Travel Fare Amounts

    After the conclusion of the travel contract, except in the following cases, we will not make any changes to the travel fare or additional charges:

    1. When applicable transportation fares or fees have been significantly revised beyond the usual expectations due to drastic changes in economic circumstances or the like, we may change the travel fare within the scope of such revision. In such cases, we will notify customers of this change prior to the 15th day counting backwards from the day before the travel start date.
    2. If a substantial reduction in the applicable transportation fares or fees is made according to (1), we will decrease the travel fare by the amount of that reduction.
    3. If the travel content is changed and the expenses for implementing the trip are reduced, we will decrease the travel fare by the amount of the difference.
    4. If the travel content is changed due to the reasons specified in Section 11 and the expenses for implementing the trip (including cancellation fees, breach fees, and other already paid or payable expenses for services not received due to the change of contract content) increase, we will change the travel fare by the amount of that difference, except in cases where the shortage of seats, rooms, or other facilities of transportation or accommodation facilities has led to the change despite the provision of services.
    5. If we indicate in brochures or similar materials that the travel fare varies based on the number of users of transportation or accommodation facilities, we may change the travel fare within the scope indicated in the contract document if the number of users changes without reasons attributable to us.

    13. Customer Substitution

    Customers may transfer their contractual position to another person with our consent. In this case, customers must provide certain information and pay a prescribed fee. If an airline ticket has already been issued, separate fees for reissuing may apply. The transfer of contractual position becomes effective upon our approval, and the person who receives the transferred position inherits all rights and obligations related to this travel contract. However, we may refuse the substitution in cases where transportation or accommodation facilities do not accommodate the substitution.

    14. Cancellation Fees

    1. After the conclusion of the travel contract, if customers cancel the trip for personal reasons, cancellation fees as stated in the brochure will apply. For participating customers, differences in charges per room for changes in the number of users will apply.
    2. If the travel fare is not paid by the due date, we will consider the travel contract terminated by the customer on the day following that due date and charge breach fees equal to the cancellation fees.
    3. For changes to the departure date due to the customer’s convenience or changes to parts of the itinerary during transportation, accommodation, or other stages of the trip, we consider the entire trip canceled and collect the prescribed cancellation fees.

    15. Termination before the Start of the Trip

    1. Customer’s Termination Rights
      1) Customers can terminate the travel contract at any time by paying the cancellation fees indicated in the brochure. However, requests for termination must be made within the business hours of the application store.
      2) Customers can terminate the travel contract without cancellation fees in the following cases:
      a. When the travel contract content is changed, but only if the changes are significant and fall under the important items listed in the left column of Section 23.
      b. When the travel fare is increased based on Section 12(1).
      c. When it becomes extremely likely that the safety and smooth implementation of the trip are impossible or highly compromised due to natural disasters, war, riots, cessation of travel services by transportation or accommodation facilities, official orders, or other reasons.
      d. If we fail to provide the final travel itinerary as specified in Section 5(2) by the date designated in the same section.
      e. When travel implementation according to the scheduled itinerary in the contract document becomes impossible due to reasons attributable to us.
      3) In case of termination as per (1) above, we will refund the travel fare (or application fee) already received, deducting the prescribed cancellation fee. If the cancellation fee cannot be covered by the application fee, the difference will be charged. Additionally, if the travel contract is terminated as per (2) above, we will refund the full travel fare (or application fee) already received.
    2. Our Termination Rights
      1)If customers fail to pay the travel fare by the deadline stipulated in Section 6, we may terminate the travel contract. In this case, you will be required to pay a breach fee equivalent to the cancellation fee specified in Section 1(1).
      2)We may terminate the travel contract under the following circumstances:
      a. If it becomes evident that customers do not meet the gender, age, qualifications, skills, or other travel participation requirements explicitly outlined by our company.
      b. If customers are deemed unable to endure the trip due to illness, absence of necessary assistants, or other reasons.
      c. If customers cause inconvenience to other customers or hinder the smooth execution of group activities.
      d. If customers demand burdens beyond a reasonable scope concerning the contract content.
      e. If the number of customers falls below the minimum required participants specified in the brochure. In this case, we will notify you of the trip cancellation no later than the 13th day counting backwards from the day before the trip start date (for day trips, no later than the 3rd day).
      f. If conditions specified by our company in advance, such as insufficient snowfall for trips centered around skiing, are not met or if there is an extremely high likelihood of these conditions not being met.
      g. If due to natural disasters, war, riots, cessation of travel services by transportation or accommodation facilities, official orders, or other reasons beyond our control, the safe and smooth implementation of the trip according to the travel itinerary specified in the brochure becomes impossible or highly compromised.
      3)When we terminate the travel contract as per (2)(1), we will refund the travel fare (or application fee) already received after deducting the prescribed breach fee. Additionally, when we terminate the travel contract as per (2)(2), we will refund the full amount of the travel fare (or application fee) already received.

    16. Termination After the Start of the Trip

    1. Customer’s Termination Rights
      1)If customers choose to leave the trip midway due to their own convenience, it will be considered a forfeiture of their rights, and no refunds will be provided.
      2)If customers are unable to receive the travel services as per the contract document due to reasons not attributable to them, they may terminate the portion of the contract related to the impossible-to-receive travel services without paying cancellation fees. In this case, we will refund the portion of the travel fare corresponding to the impossible-to-receive travel services to customers. However, if the reasons are not attributable to us, we will refund the amount after deducting cancellation fees, breach fees, and other already paid or payable expenses for the related travel services from that amount.
    2. Our Termination Rights
      1)We may explain the reasons and partially terminate the travel contract for customers under the following circumstances:
      a. When customers are deemed unable to continue the trip due to illness, absence of necessary assistants, or other reasons.
      b. When customers violate our instructions given by tour guides or others for the safe and smooth implementation of the trip, disrupt the discipline of group activities through violence, coercion, or other acts against these individuals or other fellow travelers, thereby obstructing the safe and smooth implementation of the trip.
      c. When the continuation of the trip becomes impossible due to natural disasters, war, riots, cessation of travel services by transportation or accommodation facilities, official orders, or other reasons beyond our control.
      2)Effect of Termination and Refunds
      When we terminate the travel contract under the circumstances stated in (2)(1) above, we will charge customers for any cancellation fees, breach fees, or other expenses that have been or will be paid in the name of the providers of the unreceived travel services due to the contract termination. In this case, we will refund the portion of the travel fare corresponding to the unreceived travel services, deducting the cancellation fees, breach fees, or other expenses that have been or will be paid to the providers of the unreceived travel services from that portion of the travel fare.
      3)If we terminate the travel contract under the circumstances of (2)(1)a or c above, we will make necessary arrangements for customers to return to the departure location at their own expense if requested.

    17. Refund of Travel Fare

    1. In cases where we have “reduced the travel fare in accordance with the provisions of Section 12(2)(3)(5)” or where “you or we have terminated the travel contract in accordance with the provisions from Section 14 to Section 16,” if an amount is to be refunded to the customer, for refunds due to pre-departure termination, we will refund the amount to the customer within 7 days from the day after the termination, and for refunds due to post-departure termination, we will refund the amount to the customer within 30 days from the day after the travel end date stated in the contract document.
    2. The provisions of this section (1) do not prevent you or us from exercising claims for damages in accordance with the provisions of Section 19 (Our Liability) or Section 21 (Your Liability).
    3. Please request a refund from us within 1 month from the departure date.
    4. For refunds after the delivery of coupon tickets, the delivered coupon tickets will be required. If the coupon tickets are not submitted, the refund of the travel fare may not be possible.

    18. Tour Guides and Others

    Except where specifically stated, a tour guide will accompany the entire itinerary. The services provided by the tour guide will primarily involve tasks necessary to smoothly execute the schedule stipulated in the contract document. During the trip, you should follow the instructions of the tour guide for the smooth implementation of the schedule and for safety. The working hours for the tour guide are generally from 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM.

    19. Our Liability

    1. In the performance of package tour contracts, if any damages are caused to you due to the intentional or negligent actions of our company or those whom we have arranged on your behalf, we will compensate you for the damages suffered. However, this is subject to the condition that notice is provided to our company within 2 years from the day following the occurrence of the damages.
    2. In the case of damages incurred related to baggage as mentioned in paragraph (1), regardless of the notification period stipulated in paragraph (1), compensation will be provided only if notice is given to our company within 14 days from the day following the occurrence of the damages. However, regardless of the amount of damages, the compensation amount provided by our company will be limited to a maximum of 150,000 yen per person (except in cases where our company has intentional or gross negligence).
    3. In cases where you incur damages due to reasons illustrated as follows, our company generally shall not assume responsibility as stated in paragraph (1).
      1)Changes or cancellations of travel itinerary due to natural disasters, geological disturbances, wars, riots, or related factors.
      2)Damages resulting from accidents, incidents, or fires related to transportation or accommodation services.
      3)Changes or cancellations of travel itinerary due to service disruptions by transportation or accommodation facilities or related factors.
      4)Changes or cancellations of travel itinerary due to official orders, quarantines resulting from infectious diseases, or related factors.
      5)Accidents during free time activities.
      6)Food poisoning.
      8)Delays, cancellations, schedule changes, route modifications, or related factors affecting transportation, resulting in changes to travel itinerary or shortened destination stays.

    20. Special Compensation

    1. Regardless of whether our liability as stated in the preceding paragraph (1) occurs or not, under the special compensation provisions of our company’s terms and conditions, in the event that you suffer certain damages to your life or body due to accidental and sudden external incidents during your participation in a package tour organized by us, we will provide compensation for death, permanent disability, hospitalization, and outpatient medical treatment. Furthermore, for damages related to baggage, we will provide compensation.
    2. Notwithstanding paragraph (1), if there is a day during which no travel services included in the package tour arranged by our company are provided, such day will not be considered as part of the package tour, provided this information is explicitly indicated in the brochure.
    3. In the event that damages incurred by you during your participation in the package tour are due to causes such as intentional actions, driving under the influence of alcohol, diseases, or other circumstances not covered by the package tour, and the damages result from accidents during risky activities such as skydiving, hang gliding, ultralight flying (motorized hang gliders, microlight aircraft, ultralight aircraft, etc.), gyroplane flying, or other similar dangerous activities during free time, our company will not provide compensation and medical benefits as stated in paragraph (1), except when such activities are included in the package tour itinerary.
    4. Our company may take necessary measures if you are determined to be in a condition requiring protection due to illness, injury, etc., during the course of the package tour. In this case, unless such measures are attributable to our company’s fault, the costs incurred for these measures will be your responsibility. You are required to pay the associated costs to our company by the specified deadline using the method designated by our company.
    5. For lost coupon vouchers, the transportation fares and charges associated with reissuing the vouchers will be borne by you. In such cases, the applicable fares and charges will be determined by the transportation provider.

    21. Your Responsibilities

    1. If our company incurs damages due to your intentional or negligent actions, violation of laws, public order and morals, or your failure to comply with the provisions of our company’s terms and conditions, we reserve the right to claim compensation for the damages suffered.
    2. When entering into a contract for a package tour, you must make efforts to understand the information provided by our company, your rights, obligations, and other details of the package tour contract.
    3. After the commencement of the trip, if you become aware that the travel services provided differ from those stated in the contract documents, you must promptly inform the tour conductor, intermediary, local guide, travel service provider, or our company of such discrepancies to ensure the smooth receipt of the travel services.
    4. In the event that during the trip you are found to be in a condition requiring protection due to illness, injury, etc., our company may take necessary measures. In such cases, if the cause of these measures is not attributable to our company’s fault, you will be responsible for the costs incurred, and you are required to make the payment by the deadline specified by our company using the designated method.
    5. In cases of lost coupon vouchers, any costs related to the reissuance of these vouchers by the transportation provider will be your responsibility. In such cases, the applicable fares and charges will be determined by the transportation provider.

    22. Optional Tours or Information Provision

    1. For customers participating in our organized group tours, we offer separately priced tours organized and conducted by us (referred to as “Our Optional Tours”). The application of Article 20 (Special Compensation) to Our Optional Tours will be treated as part of the main organized group tour contract.
    2. In cases where the operator for an Optional Tour is someone other than us and this is clearly indicated in the brochure, we will compensate for damages as specified in Article 20 (Special Compensation) for damages incurred by customers during participation in such Optional Tours. Compensation or consolation money will be provided according to the provisions of the same Article (with the exception of when the date of using the Optional Tour falls on the “Non-arranged Date” of the main organized group tour and is clearly indicated in written confirmation). Additionally, the responsibility of the operator of the Optional Tour and the customer’s responsibility will be governed entirely by the regulations of the said operator.
    3. In cases where we provide information about sports and other activities as “merely information” in brochures or similar materials, this will be clearly indicated. In such cases, Article 20’s special compensation provisions will apply for damages incurred by customers during participation in these activities (with the exception of when the date of using the Optional Tour falls on the “Non-arranged Date” of the main organized group tour and is clearly indicated in written confirmation). However, we will not assume any other responsibilities.

    23. Itinerary Guarantee

    1. In cases where significant changes occur in the contractual terms listed in the left column of the following table (excluding changes specified in the following 1) to 3)), we will pay the customer a compensation amount calculated by multiplying the percentage listed in the right column of the following table by the travel cost. This compensation will be paid to the customer within 30 days from the day following the end of the travel. However, if it becomes clear that we are liable under the provisions of Article 19 (1) for such changes, we will pay the entire or partial amount as damages compensation rather than as change compensation.
      (Note: The “following table” mentioned refers to a table that likely contains specific percentages and conditions for compensation.)
      1)In cases of changes due to the following reasons, we will not pay change compensation (however, compensation will be paid for changes resulting from insufficient seats, rooms, or other facilities of transportation or accommodation providers despite the services being provided).
      a. Adverse weather conditions, natural disasters that disrupt the travel itinerary.
      b. Armed conflict.
      c. Civil unrest.
      d. Orders from government authorities.
      e. Cancellation, interruption, closure, or cessation of travel services provided by transportation or accommodation providers.
      f. Delay, changes in transportation schedule, or provision of transportation services that do not adhere to the initial operational plan.
      g. Measures necessary to ensure the safety of the life or body of the participants.
      2)In the case of changes related to the portion that has been terminated based on the provisions from Article 15 to Article 16 when the travel contract has been terminated, we will not pay change compensation.
      3)Even if the order of receiving the travel services as stated in the recruitment pamphlet has changed, if the provision of such travel services could still be received during the trip, we will not pay change compensation.
    2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph (1), the amount of change compensation that we will pay based on a single travel contract shall be capped at 15% of the “travel fare” as defined in Article 7. Additionally, if the amount of change compensation to be paid based on a single travel contract is less than 1,000 yen per person, we will not pay change compensation.
    3. With the customer’s consent, we may provide compensation by offering equivalent goods or services instead of monetary change compensation or damages payment.

    Amount of Change Compensation = Rate below × Travel Fare per case

    Changes for which the Company pays Change Compensation: When notified to the customer by the day before the start of the trip. When notified to the customer on or after the day of the trip commencement.
    (1) Changes to the stated travel start date or travel end date in the contract document: 1.5% 3.0%
    (2) Changes to the designated tourist sites or attractions (including restaurants) and other travel destinations in the contract document: 1.0% 2.0%
    (3) Changes to a lower fare grade or facilities for the designated transportation stated in the contract document (limited to cases where the total fare for the changed grade and facilities is lower than the one specified in the contract document): 1.0% 2.0%
    (4) Changes to the type or name of the designated transportation company stated in the contract document: 1.0% 2.0%
    (5) Changes to different flights for the departure or arrival airports designated in the contract document within Japan: 1.0% 2.0%
    (6) Changes from direct flights between domestic and overseas locations as specified in the contract document to connecting or connecting flights: 1.0% 2.0%
    (7) Changes to the type or name of the designated accommodation facility stated in the contract document: 1.0% 2.0%
    (8) Changes to the room type, facilities, landscape, or other room conditions of the designated accommodation facility stated in the contract document: 1.0% 2.0%
    (9) Changes listed in (1) to (8) that involve items mentioned in the tour title in the contract document: 2.5% 5.0%

     Note 1: In case changes occur between the contents of the brochure and the confirmed document, or between the contents of the confirmed document and the actual provided travel services, each change shall be treated as one instance.
    Note 2: For changes listed in (9), the rates from (1) to (8) shall not be applied, and the rates specified in (9) shall be applied.
    Note 3: One instance refers to one occurrence per transportation, one occurrence per overnight stay for accommodation facilities, and one occurrence per relevant item for other travel services.
    Note 4: Even if changes listed in (4), (7), and (8) occur multiple times within one ride or one overnight stay, they shall be treated as one change per ride or per overnight stay.
    Note 5: If the transportation listed in (3) and (4) includes the use of accommodation facilities, it shall be treated as one instance per overnight stay.
    Note 6: Changes to the company name of transportation listed in (4) and changes to the name of accommodation planning listed in (7) refer to those resulting from changes in the transportation or accommodation facility itself.
    Note 7: Changes to the company name of transportation listed in (4) shall not apply if they involve a change to a higher grade or facility.

    24. Travel Conditions via Communication Contract

    1. In certain cases, our company may accept applications for travel via the “Internet’s IT-related communication technology” (hereinafter referred to as the “Internet”) subject to the condition of a “communication contract,” wherein our company accepts payments for travel expenses, cancellation fees, etc., “without the member’s signature.” This condition applies to cardholders (hereinafter referred to as “members”) of affiliated credit card companies (hereinafter referred to as “affiliated companies”).
    2. The term “card usage date” as used in this section refers to the date on which the member and our company should fulfill the payment or refund obligations for travel expenses, etc., based on the travel contract.
    3. When making an application via the Internet, you are required to notify our company of your “membership number (credit card number),” “card expiration date,” etc.
    4. Travel contracts based on communication contracts will be notified by our company through methods such as e-mail or electronic acceptance notifications. In such cases, the contract will be deemed established at the time the notification reaches the customer.
    5. In cases where you attempt to enter into a travel contract through a communication contract and your credit card, as held by the member, is invalid or for any reason, you are unable to settle part or all of the debt related to travel expenses, etc., according to the terms of the affiliated company’s credit card membership agreement, we may refuse to enter into the travel contract.

    25. Regarding Enrollment in Domestic Travel Insurance

    During your trip, injuries can result in significant medical expenses and transportation fees. In the event of accidents, it can be challenging to claim damages from the responsible party or collect compensation. To cover these medical expenses, transportation fees, as well as ensure coverage for death and disability, we recommend that you consider enrolling in sufficient domestic travel insurance on your own. For further details, please inquire with our staff members.

    26. Handling of Personal Information

    For the personal information provided in the application form submitted during the travel application process, our company will use it for communication with you and to arrange for services provided by transportation and accommodation facilities during the trip you have applied for, as well as the necessary procedures for receiving those services.

    ※ Additionally, our company may use your personal information for (1) providing information about products, services, and campaigns offered by the company and affiliated companies, (2) requesting your opinions and feedback after the trip, (3) conducting surveys, (4) providing benefits and services, and (5) creating statistical data.

    27. Travel Conditions and Criteria for Travel Expenses

    The reference date for these travel conditions and the reference date for travel expenses will be as indicated in the brochure.

    28. Miscellaneous

    1. In cases where customers request personal guidance, shopping, etc., from tour conductors or other staff, any associated expenses, expenses incurred due to injuries, illnesses, or accidents involving customers, expenses incurred for the recovery of lost or forgotten items due to customer negligence, as well as expenses incurred for separate arrangements, will be borne by the customer.
    2. While we may provide guidance to souvenir shops for your convenience, please be aware that any purchases made during shopping are your responsibility. We are unable to assist with product exchanges, returns, or similar matters.
    3. If you agree to the system (Flex Traveler system) in which you may be asked to board an aircraft other than the one scheduled for your flight by the airline, and you choose to board an aircraft other than the one arranged by our company, our arrangement obligations and itinerary management obligations will be considered fulfilled. Furthermore, our liability for itinerary guarantee and special compensation related to the changed portion will be exempted. Please keep this in mind.
    4. Under no circumstances will our company implement the travel itinerary again.
    5. In accommodations such as inns and hotels, if customers add alcoholic beverages, meals, or other services, please note that various taxes will generally be applied.
    6. Matters not stipulated in these terms and conditions will be governed by our company’s travel contract terms (section on package tour contracts).